The scheduled DLC roadmap for owners that purchased “The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild” season pass. (Photo Credit by Arstechnica)
From DLC to Switch customizability
Since the launch of the Nintendo Switch, the company has been heavily embracing a digital method that its competitors have been doing for several years: downloadable content.
Recent flagship titles, such as “The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild” and “Xenoblade Chronicles 2” have their own season passes, along with a host of DLC planned for “Splatoon 2” and “Fire Emblem Warriors.” In IGN’s recent interview with Nintendo Entertainment Planning and Development Division general manager Shinya Takahashi, he explained why DLC has been a “good fit” for the Switch.
Takahashi told IGN, “I think that titles that you download when you purchase have a very good compatibility with the idea of additional content.” He continued, “I believe the Nintendo Switch, compared to most of our recent hardware, makes of the best use of the ability to download titles in their entirety, since it’s a console that you can also carry as a portable.”
After commenting about DLC, Takahashi also mentioned that he was impressed with the sheer amount of fan-created Joy Cons that have been floating around the web. “There’s a lot of joy to be had from handmaking something yourself or having all of those customizable possibilities and we absolutely embrace that,” he said. “We love to see that.” In addition to that, Takahashi suggested that Nintendo could be creating several Joy Con variations, or even new kinds of attachments in the future.
What are you thoughts about DLC in Nintendo’s recent titles, along with new kinds of Joy Cons in the making? Let me know in the comments below
[Source: IGN] [Via: Siliconera]
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