Space bounty hunter Samus Aran is locked-and-loaded with her colossal arm-cannon, Bowgun in “Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate.” (Photo Credit by Siliconera)
Galactic space hunter meets primitive monster era
Samus Aran, from the “Metroid” series, joins the hunting mercenaries to help fend off the violent beasts in the upcoming “Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate” for Nintendo 3DS.
Nintendo of Japan held a special Nintendo Direct this morning that was geared toward “Monster Hunter 4G,” which is releasing this weekend in Japan. At the end of the stream, Big-N shocked their audience with the appearance of the iconic female protagonist from the long-running “Metroid” franchise. Players will be able to accept new quests in order to collect materials to craft Samus’ Power Suit and Zero Suit, as well as her famous arm-cannon that is featured as a Bowgun weapon.
“Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate” has a wide array of collaborations going on that varies from Nintendo content to third-party content. Not too long ago, Nintendo and Capcom announced that players can cosplay their character with Link’s tunic and weapons from the “Legend of Zelda” series, along with dressing their furry assistant Felyne as Isabelle and Mr. Resetti from “Animal Crossing: New Leaf.” Furthermore, SEGA’s “Sonic the Hedgehog” and Bandai Namco’s “Taiko Drum Master” are also incorporated into the crossover mix as well.
Here’s the “Metroid” collaboration trailer that was displayed during the Nintendo Direct:
“Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate” will be releasing in North America and Europe sometime in early 2015.
Are you pleased about the appearance of Samus Aran in the latest “Monster Hunter” title for 3DS? Let me know in the comments below.
[Source: Siliconera]
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