There were a fine batch of Wii U and 3DS games to play in 2014. (Photo Credit by Brandon Tanis)
A year to remember
2014 was certainly a great year to be a Nintendo enthusiast, given the onslaught of stellar games that were available for the Wii U and 3DS.
Within the twelve-month period, Nintendo managed to keep their audience entertained with their diverse lineup of first party content that featured a wide array of different genres. In addition, there were select titles that left me amazed by their sheer level of quality that came from underrated third-party companies. Regardless, there’s only one title for each category that rightfully deserves the award as it sets itself apart from the rest. So, without any further ado, here’s the following list of games that earns the “Game of the Year” title from my perspective:
Wii U (Retail) Game of the Year:
Bayonetta 2
It was within Nintendo’s best interest to resurrect the sequel that die-hard action fans have been yearning for, so I’m glad that they went the extra mile to do so. “Bayonetta 2” follows the footsteps of its predecessor in many ways while improving certain aspects where the original title was lacking. Not only does this follow up reach the pinnacle of the action genre overall, Platinum Games simply raised the bar of value by including the definitive version of “Bayonetta” (for those that missed out on during the seventh generation). This game is simply too good for any serious Wii U owners to pass up.
Honorable Mentions: “Mario Kart 8” and “Super Smash Bros. for Wii U”
Wii U (eShop) Game of the Year:
Shovel Knight
Despite the ridiculous amount of delays towards the highly-anticipated Kickstarter title, Yacht Club Games still managed to pull off an astonishing 8-bit platformer that captivated the hearts of retro gamers. While taking inspirational cues from various iconic games from the NES era, “Shovel Knight” feels like a whole entity of its own. Ranging from its colorful sprites, incredibly catchy soundtrack and top-notch precision with the controls — this is simply one throwback adventure that you don’t want to miss!
Honorable Mentions: “Child of Light” and “Guacamelee: Super Turbo Championship Edition”
3DS (Retail) Game of the Year:
Super Smash Bros. for 3DS
Every iteration of the “Super Smash Bros.” series keeps getting bigger and bolder, and without a doubt, the very first handheld entry lives up to its former legacy titles. Just the whole notion of playing a full-ledge Smash Bros. game that contains all of the essential modes, characters and features on a portable system is still mind boggling, even up to this day. Since there aren’t any compromises toward the core mechanics and fundamentals, this version is the ultimate gaming fix for any 3DS owner.
Honorable Mentions: “Pokémon Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire” and “Fantasy Life”
3DS (eShop) Game of the Year:
Shantae and the Pirate’s Curse
Our purple-haired Arabian heroine has been making quite an appearance these days based on her recent outings. This Metroidvania-style game takes that concept into greater heights, as it incorporates a healthy dosage of memorable platforming, combat and puzzle moments. Aside from its phenomenal gameplay, the witty plot and charming characters really brings it all together to make a complete package. Even though the price is rather steep for an eShop game, I can assure you that will not regret this decision one bit.
Honorable Mentions: “Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy” and “Weapon Shop de Omasse”
Overall Game of the Year:
Bayonetta 2
For those that actually played “Bayonetta 2” shouldn’t be dumbfounded by this choice, since the game speaks for itself in many ways. The atmosphere is very immersive and breathtaking, the combat gets your adrenaline pumping, and the lighthearted story reminds you why this game is so enjoyable to play. Platinum Games did a remarkable job with the sequel, since it has very little shortcomings while exceeding the redeeming qualities that made the predecessor so good to begin. Without a doubt, this game deserves all the adulation it’s getting across the gaming community, because it’s simply that good!
Which favorable game of yours do you think should have won the “Game of the Year” title for 2014? Let me know in the comments below.
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