This is certainly not the kind of message you want to see when you want to play “Super Smash Bros. for Wii U.” (Photo Credit by YouTube, Trippy12345ify)
Caution: play at your own risk
Super Smash Bros. players may be susceptible to a fatal error code that can render their copy of “Super Smash Bros. for Wii U,” and even their very own Wii U, to become unplayable.
Select users are experiencing a daunting black screen that displays an ominous error code 160-0103 after they attempt to initiate the game through the main menu. A video surfaces from a YouTube user Trippy12345ify that demonstrates the issue in hopes of receiving answers for resolving this fatal flaw:
Players over on Smash Boards have came down to a conclusion that the root of the problem seems to be caused by the game’s update data. There’s also another theory that states that the latest installment of Smash Bros. handles the system memory in a rather peculiar fashion, thus creating the error. In addition, the ever so popular “For Glory” mode may also be the culprit as well, since there have been reports of the appearance of the same error code after their previous online session.
What makes this issue so frightening is that after viewing the error code screen, there’s a possibility that all personal and gaming data can be completely erased or the system could be bricked. At this rate, the only option is to send in your console to Nintendo so they can have their technicians take a look at it. Needless to say, Nintendo is taking this matter into consideration by working on a solution to end this dilemma.
Is your copy of “Super Smash Bros. for Wii U” or your Wii U unplayable due to the critical error code? Let me know in the comments below.
[Source: Smash Boards] [Via: Nintendo Life]
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